15 April 2014


Somebody condemned a man today
Some say He did nothing wrong
I heard He just wanted to lead the children
Back home to where they belong…

Somebody placed a crown on His head
Made of pain and of thorns
Somebody whipped Him, beat Him, and bruised Him
Leaving Him tattered and torn…

Somebody brought out an old rugged cross
And gave Him to march up the hill
Somebody stoned Him, somebody cursed Him
Somebody cried out to kill…

Somebody threw Him up on the cross
Somebody said, "King of Jews – Hail!"
Somebody laughed, somebody wept
Guards summoned hammer and nails…

Somebody held Him tight to the wood
Somebody pounded spikes three
One for each hand, one through both feet
Hammered through skin into tree…

Somebody killed this innocent man
Somebody put Him to death
Somebody watched and did nothing to help
As slowly He took His last breath…

Somebody looked up in grief and in shame
There at the foot of that tree
Somebody killed this innocent man
God have mercy, it was me.