I miss some of my friends today. Quite terribly. My life has seen many changes over the course of the last few years, about which I hope to elaborate on in a future entry or series of entries. One of the many things that I am still learning is that friendship - at least of the depth that I'm after - truly takes time and work and a mutual give-and-take of sorts. One-sided friendships aren't really friendships, quite honestly... and this has been a hard lesson to learn. Make no mistake, though... investing your heart into others is a wonderful, noble, even honourable thing! - as I see it. But this alone does not a friendship make. Friendship by its very nature needs reciprocation to survive. Not necessarily in equal measure, to be sure - especially at certain times and during certain seasons, but reciprocation just the same. When one is pushed away repeatedly or simply ignored for long enough, the message indeed becomes quite clear. With that taken to heart, I have had to learn to step back - or step away entirely... to let go... to cherish the time(s) we had as we walked the path together... and to move onward. They seem friends no longer, and yet my care for these I still name as such remains. I miss them. I love them. I pray for them. Perhaps our paths will cross again some day and we will walk together as once before. One can hope...